Monday, April 29, 2013

Walgreens Part 2

Day 14

I went back to Walgreens today because I thought my $2 coupon was good today. I was mistaken. It is good tomorrow. But I was there, so I shopped anyway.

I spent $10.18. When you consider that shopping is also a form of entertainment for a stay at home mom, and you also consider that my daughter seems to nap ONLY in her stroller, $10.18 seems to be a good price for entertainment, peace, and a few items.

And I got some FREE items. I’m telling you. It is like an addiction. I love the free stuff. Especially when it is free stuff that I use.

I bought diapers on sale for $9.99 and used a $1.50 coupon ($7.99 final cost) and some shampoo on sale for $1.99 and used a $1.00 coupon ($0.99 final cost).

I know, I know, so far BORING!

Then I saw hair color on clearance for $2.50. And I had a coupon for that exact same brand. The coupon was for $5 off 2. So I got 2 hair colors for FREE.
This feels VERY good!

And I guess the secret is out now. I DO color my hair.
I know this looks a little blurry- I promise I'll take a better photo next time!

And that Walgreens register printed ANOTHER coupon for $2. So now I have 2. And they are only good to use tomorrow.

SAVINGS TO DATE: - $ 233.70   (previous total + $13.49 saved off retail)

 TIME SPENT TODAY: - 30 minutes (15 minutes shopping, 15 planning)

1 comment:

  1. Wow what great deals. Thanks for all the tips.

