Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reflecting on a Month of Saving

Day 31

This has seriously been a lot of work. And I have saved nearly $486 in one month. So I do think it is worth it. But it takes time, dedication and consistency.

I have built op quite a stockpile of diapers and shampoo. I have also stockpiled several paper towels. I have a good amount of peanut butter. I have a nice pile of baby food. Other items are present in my pantry, but have been used at a rate that prevent me from building up a “stockpile” of them.

I notice that baby food often goes on clearance long
before the expiration date. When it does, I try to
stock up.

Even the Organic baby food eventually
goes down in price!

But I have resolved to make this couponing experiment a little easier. This involves spending some money.  I spent $2 on bigger coupon organizers. These are plastic, more durable, and have more tabs so I can break down the coupons into more categories.

I also subscribed to the newspaper. It is just easier to see the paper sitting on my front door than to go out for one on a lazy Sunday afternoon. When I called to subscribe, I was told that I could get the paper every day for the “low introductory rate” of $15 a month. But after only 4 days of getting the paper, I can see that this is too much. I really only need the Sunday paper, as the others (I have observed) do not have any coupons. So I am going to try to change my subscription to either only Sundays or to multiple copies of the Sunday paper instead of a paper every day.

I will appreciate these little conveniences even more when I go back to work.

SAVINGS TO DATE: - $ 468.69  (previous total - $2 for coupon organizers - $15 Newspapers)  


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